Friday, May 15, 2009

ROAD TRIP 09: Lafayette LA to Amarillo, TX

May 9th, 2009. Good riddance Lafayette KOA. I was on the road early, like 6 am (which is early for me). I had to get out of that nightmare that is jokingly referred to as "family Kamping"...ha. If family camping means puking all night long consuming vast quantities of beer, then I guess you truly deserve to live in Louisiana.

The drive out of Louisiana SUCKS. I mean, it just absolutely blows. I used to hate Texas, but I have to say I have found a new state to hate. Green, rolling, and boring. Every stretch looks the same.

Some of the scenery changed as I eased into Texas, but not by much. It became a lot more...well...brown, but at least the cities like Dallas have some design to them. No traffic to speak of; it was Saturday anyhow.

I eased into Amarillo without a hitch, and arrived at a Travelodge just off the interstate. Very convenient. Of course, the lady behind the counter wouldn't give me a bottom floor room, despite my pleas that I had to lug a lot of gear out of my truck and up a flight of stairs. She told me the bottom floors are reserved for two people in a room. WTF? What difference does that make? And the hotel was EMPTY. Okay, whatever lady. I am not in the mood to argue. Wait...what did I just say? "I'm not in the mood to argue"...hmmm..a few days ago I would have leaned over the counter and told her I thought that was ridiculous and I wanted to speak to a manager! Maybe it was the fact I was on vacation and I didn't give a shit anymore. Maybe it was just the fact I didn't have to go to work on Monday. I dunno. But I took my card key, lugged my stuff up a flight of stairs, and settled down for the night in a comfy bed.

I was working on 3-4 hours sleep, and had been behind the wheel for almost 12 hours this day. Even though the TV in the room next to me was blaring, I shoved my head between two pillows and slipped away to la-la land. Big day tomorrow- my last push to my first riding destination, Fruita Colorado.

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